Aaron Mason escreveu:
> Hi,
> It has also been a vision of mine to run OpenBSD-based VPS, though at
> this point the only way to achieve that is by true virtualization -
> hence, I would like to propose that we attempt to bring OpenVZ
> capabilities to the OpenBSD kernel.  The biggest problems lie in
> allowing the kernel to be forked and virtual devices supplied to it,
> and allowing new instances of the kernel to be forked under the higher
> security levels.  In fact, even allowing the kernel to be forked at
> all opens a can of worms security wise (recall the Blue Pill POC?).
I think the way to go here would be OpenBSD jails? Its very similar in
performance to what OpenVZ in Linux IMHO.
But if you are talking about running a OpenBSD VM to provide some
comercial jails you will need at least hardware assisted virtualization,
and i read a lot of times that virtualizating a OS don't make the host
secure, don't know for deep the why's here.

My 2 cents, HTH

> Thanks
> Regards

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