On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Nick
Holland<n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:

> Booting  from a CD? Not the floppy of the subject: line?

I made a couple of CD's, from the cd45.iso and install45.iso images,
following a suggestion earlier in the thread. So far, with several
re-installs, both from network and CD, I get identical results trying
to boot,using those two CD's and fa floppy45.fs floppy.
CDROM before).
> Might want to try the boot floppy, and if you have an issue using a
> boot floppy, try cdemu45.iso (it emulate a boot floppy, so has the
> boot floppy's /boot).

Ok, I'll give that a whirl.

> heh. B today, I found a couple brand new (New Old Stock, in auto
> restoration terms) 2940UWs, and was excited for a moment about
> finding a pair of high end SCSI cards..then realized just how old
> they were...

New?! Wow. Do you want to reveal your source for those? I would even
accept a private email <g> containing such information!!


No no no, my fish's name is Eric, Eric the fish. He's an halibut. I am
not a looney! Why should I be tarred with the epithet looney merely
because I have a pet halibut?

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