The problem I have in mind is that if the base system has compXX.tgz to
contain the compiler and build tools, what's the purpose or use of the
gcc-*.tgz, g++-*.tgz and gobjc-*.tgz from the package list?
Can you please advise me on this? Thanks!

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 12:26 PM, Philip Guenther <>wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Tito Mari Francis EscaC1o
> <> wrote:
> > Is it possible to build OpenBSD from source using GCC 4.x from packages?
> Possible?  Perhaps.  But what are your expectations after doing so?
> It would be completely unsupported and any issues would almost
> certainly get a response from developers of "okay, but what happens on
> a *real* system?"  If you don't believe that, then you haven't tracked
> the history of gcc on OpenBSD and the amount of pain and effort
> particular developers have put into keeping gcc from breaking itself
> or the system.
> So the *real* question is this: what are you expecting to gain by
> compiling the system with a different version of gcc?  To quote a
> coworker of mine, "What problem are you trying to solve?"  If you
> can't answer that question, then why are you doing it?
> > There may be some new features on the new compiler that a user wants to
> use
> > and also decide to rebuild OpenBSD from source, would that be possible?
> What makes you or them think that using a different compiler requires
> building the entire system with that compiler?
> Philip Guenther

Tito Mari Francis H. EscaC1o
Computer Engineer and Free Software Proponent

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