Hello, I'm trying to install OpenBSD 4.5 i386 from snapshots and this is the third snapshot which gives me this error when trying to install mozilla-firefox package.
[...] Can't install cairo-1.8.6p1: lib not found pixman-1.12.0 [...] pixman-1.12.0: partial match in /usr/X11R6/lib: major=15, minor=8 (bad major) [...] Of course the mozilla-package is not installed. I tried the install45.iso from 6, 7, 8-June. The package collection is from 6-June. From what I read on dependency stuff is looks like the cairo was linked against a future pixman version which is not shipped in the base packages. But maybe I am wrong. Can someone tell me please what's the issue here and how should I approach the install method from snapshots? Am I dong something wrong ? Thanks