On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 03:56:48PM +0100, Gaby Vanhegan wrote:
> I have a machine that is running 4.3 bsd.mp, MySQL and one single site  
> of PHP scripts which keep crashing.  The frustrating thing is that it  
> doesn't panic the kernel so I can't get any DDB output, the machine  
> just locks up.  Looking at it over the KVM it just shows the login  
> prompt with the cursor flashing but not responding.
> Where do I go from here?  How can I debug a problem that has no  
> symptoms other than the system silently locking up?  I'd love to  
> provide more information but there's nothing to give.
> We've swapped out the entire machine, tried the UP and MP kernels but  
> no joy.  The plan is to upgrade it to 4.5 and see if the problems  
> persist.  Failing that we're looking at a clean install on a brand new  
> machine but I'd like to avoid that if possible.  Any suggestions about  
> how I can try and figure out what's killing it?

You might want to log console output for a while, if that is possible,
and hope the problem occurs. Otherwise, I'd blame hardware failure, but
it seems somewhat unlikely that two unrelated machines both have
hardware issues.

One stupid question: is the KVM the system console (i.e. does it show
the boot messages)? ddb will *only* run on the system console, so if the
KVM is some serial port and you haven't 'set tty com0' or something
similar in /etc/boot.conf...

After all, one possible reason for a panic is lack of memory, which may
be possible on a web server.


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