On 2009-06-06, Alexander Hall <alexan...@beard.se> wrote:
> Jan Klemkow wrote:
>> hi,
>> I've a problem with the network speed.
>> If I download the a file with openbsd,
>> it has only a speed round about 250 kBit/s
>> I could start several downloads with the same speed.
>> So that a program like aget has a speed from 600 till 900.
>> I've this effect with all programs like
>> Firefox, wget and curl.
>> On the same machine with Windows or Linux
>> the speed goes up from 600 till 900kBit/s.
>> Does somebody know why this happen?
>> Driver problem? or a simple configuration?
> try bumping these sysctl's:
> net.inet.tcp.recvspace=16384
> net.inet.tcp.sendspace=16384
> Based on 250/90*16384, I'd try something around 64k.

using 65535 rather than 65536 can avoid some possible problems
with network paths that don't handle wscale correctly.

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