On 5/31/09, Ben Goren <b...@trumpetpower.com> wrote:
> On 2009 May 30, at 7:03 AM, Jason Dixon wrote:
>> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 06:48:59AM -0700, Ben Goren wrote:
>>> I'm trying to set up my first wireless network, with less than
>>> stellar
>>> success.
>> You need to narrow your spectrum of diagnosis.  Start ruling out those
>> things which are known to work.  Rule out those things which are known
>> to work and you'll be left with the thing(s) that don't.
>> Examples:
>> - OpenBSD wireless connectivity (as a client)
>> - OpenBSD wired connectivity
>> - Mac wired connectivity
>> - Mac wireless connectivity (to a different WAP)
>> - etc...
> I've done as much of that as I can -- or, at least, as much as I can
> think of.
> The two computers have no trouble talking to each other over wired
> ethernet.
> Indeed, for several seconds, they communicate just fine over wireless
> -- my problem is that it only lasts for several seconds, after which
> the entire wireless connection is dropped and the iMac is no longer
> associated with any network.
> I don't have any other hardware to test with.
> I've thought of and tried a couple other things since this morning.
> There's one of those infamous ``linksys'' networks somewhere in the
> vicinity, but apparently not nearby. I was able to connect to it from
> the iMac a while ago and do a bit of (very slow) surfing, and even
> open an ssh session back to the laptop. I can't seem to re-connect to
> it now, and I haven't been able to connect to it from the laptop.
> There are a couple other networks in the area that aren't using any
> form of wireless security, but they have official-sounding names like
> ``ASUEMPLOYEE.'' I can connect to them from either computer -- and the
> connection doesn't go away -- but no DHCP servers will talk to me.
> I've also tried setting up the laptop in both ibss and ibss-master
> mode. With ibss-master, ifconfig always reports ``no network.''
> However, if I set the iMac up as an ibss-master, I can connect to it
> from the OpenBSD laptop, get a DHCP lease from it, and ping the iMac.
> So, it seems that everything works except for sustaining a link from
> the iMac to the OpenBSD laptop as a hostap for more than several
> seconds.
> Surely I must be missing something obvious?
> Cheers,
> b&

How is your iMac getting its IP address?

Have you set up dhcpd on the OpenBSD laptop?


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