On 25 maj 2009, at 17.50, patrick keshishian wrote:

> On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 4:03 AM, Per-Olov Sjvholm <p...@incedo.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi misc
>> I was trying to add:
>> "se" or "*.se" to /etc/mail/spamd.alloweddomains which obviously wont
>> work...
>> But adding "xxx.se" works....
>> l really want to add the whole SE domain as we do not get that much
>> spam
>> from SE and will have a lot less administration.
> I think you don't understand the purpose of spamd.alloweddomains file.
> re-reading spamd(8) might be helpful. hint: pay close attention to the
> phrase "destination address"
> --patrick


you are right.

I removed the spamd.alloweddomains file and all blacklisted headache
disappeared... :-) I was actually looking for a OpenBSD built in
replacement for milter-greylist where you could specify regular
expressions for white listed senders. But it seems you could not white
list senders e-mail adresses, domains or regular expression
combinations with spamd. Or could I ???


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