On Sun, 17 May 2009, Nick Holland wrote: SNIP
<rant> I, for one, would appreciate government agencies taking a paranoid, security-oriented approach to computer systems, rather than the approach most governments and businesses are using, which seems to boil down to, "Security Second to Everything Else". Or like this: http://www.fcw.com/Articles/2009/05/07/Hacker-demands-ransom-for-data.aspx where the only bad guy is the person who exploited an insecure system, not the fools and assholes who left and CREATED it insecure in the first place (you can tell them I said that).
Nick If anyone is interested you might take a read at this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shawn_Carpenter I used to work down the hall from him. Since both of us worked late we'd share some coffee. About the only thing I can say is he made the strongest coffee I've ever drank. :-) diana Past hissy-fits are not a predictor of future hissy-fits. Nick Holland(06 Dec 2005)