It's really good to know that there's someone working recently on
bringing Wine to OpenBSD. It really isn't a trivial port =(

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Daniel Ouellet <> wrote:
> Lars Nooden wrote:
>> I've not see a port of WINE to OpenBSD for some time, but it'd be worth
>> a try, just in case.
> Actually I was just looking at this last night and it's not working yet.
> Getting closer all the time and good progress was done for sure looks like,
> but still some issues are not worked out yet;
> More details here:
> A specific wiki was setup just for OpenBSD to try to bring it up to speed
> should you be interested.
> But the short of it, not a go yet. Looks like it might go one day. Austin
> was actually asking for some help on one of the issue he is working on and
> the last updates and diff he putted in was 4/20/2009 I think.

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