I've been in similar situations countless times, but this one is
throwing me a for a loop.

I have a file that I'm trying to remove with non-printable characters
in the name.  Additionally, some of the characters appear to be

All my normal tricks with rm(1) fail.
Using vim on the directory to try and delete the entry fails.

I can get the inode of the file with ls(1), and used that to write the
following program which I thought would help, but sadly it too fails.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)

   /* open directory */
   DIR *usr;
   if ((usr = opendir("/usr")) == NULL)
      err(1, "failed to opendir");

   /* read through until we find the evil one... */
   struct dirent *entry;
   while ((entry = readdir(usr)) != NULL)
      /* check against known evil inode */
      if (entry->d_fileno == 1065344)
         /* got it */
         printf("found file...name length is: %d\n", entry->d_namlen);

         /* build filename as a char* */
         uint8_t i;
         for (i = 0; i < entry->d_namlen; i++)
            printf("%d ", entry->d_name[i]);

         /* cross fingers */
         printf("\n\nattempting to unlink...\n");
         if (unlink(entry->d_name) < 0)
            err(1, "failure, crack 'nother beer");


   return 0;

the program outputs the following:

found file...name length is: 194
-104 38 13 40 -22 101 -13 -4 -68 -107 69 86 49 -92 69 37 -90 -95 -52
20 27 -104 -24 -60 82 -49 46 -50 79 -70 23 -30 66 -29 56 89 29 -100
-127 59 83 -115 28 26 -121 30 81 -45 67 -53 -100 -76 103 15 109 -88 17
95 69 -102 87 -35 -41 -83 -13 -18 9 62 76 44 -52 99 33 -5 39 79 -100
49 -111 6 -64 -94 -97 19 -10 34 104 -87 100 28 125 4 -52 -101 84 -85
85 92 13 -2 -84 -11 63 125 -1 119 -67 82 27 96 -113 -79 -1 84 -87 -43
55 -14 -1 53 -124 69 -29 -65 74 27 96 -113 -71 -1 -111 75 -91 -51 -8
-81 33 -120 -58 127 85 54 -64 30 115 -1 83 44 -41 55 -25 -65 53 -124
-51 -3 -49 -41 29 -60 -12 -65 26 27 96 -39 -9 63 114 66 -2 91 -86 -105
54 -12 -65 -122 -80 104 -4 55 60 -31 -21 8 66 -6 95 -111 13 -80 44 -6

attempting to unlink...
a.out: failure, crack 'nother beer: No such file or directory

1.  Any whacks of a clue-stick would be greatly appreciated.
2.  When I printf dirent struct's d_namlen field, is says 302...
grep'ing /usr/include, isn't this 255?  How can this happen?
3.  Passing the d_name field directly to unlink(2)... this should
work, correct?  (I tried this with a sample setup elsewhere and it
did).  Any thoughts why this would fail?

To those who are curious, the file was created when I went to unpack a
ports.tar.gz and forgot the 'z' switch... d'oh.

Anyway, I could try deleting the parent directory, but it's /usr.


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