Is that always true? I don't think that's always true. Take wpa-psk
which does not just work for me on current or 4.5, or how I've never
seen linux unable to sleep a laptop but I've plenty of machines that
OpenBSD's sleep is funky with.

The important thing is that that's always the -ideal-, wheras in linux
the goal is just to get things working, not necessarily working
reproducibly well without regard to platform and situations.


On 13/05/2009, Eric Furman <> wrote:
> On Wed, 13 May 2009 01:01:40 -0400, "Chuck Robey" <>
> said:
>> between FreeBSD and OpenBSD.  Getting this new OS up is really turning
>> out to be
>> fun (I like troubleshooting).
> If you like troubleshooting then OpenBSD is going to be no fun for you.
> OpenBSD "Just Works"
> This isn't Linux or FreeBSD

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