gf4o2m$lc...@ger.gmane.org (openbsd.bugs, 08.11.2008)
I started the thread above when I upgraded from 4.3 to 4.4 and I never
recieved a reply. Now with 4.5 the problem still persists and is very
[r...@ns3 ~]# export
PKG_PATH="ftp://openbsd.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/pub/OpenBSD/$(uname -r)/packages/$(uname
[r...@ns3 ~]# pkg_add -ui
Error from
ftp: Error retrieving file: 502 Bad Gateway
No packages available in the PKG_PATH
Looking for updates: complete
Cannot find updates for bzip2-1.0.5 cvsup-16.1hp0-no_x11 cyrus-sasl-2.1.22p4
expiretable-0.6 gettext-0.17 gtar-1.20 libdnet-1.10p2 libiconv-1.12
lua-5.1.3 lzma-4.32.6 nagios-plugins-1.4.11 ncftp-3.2.1 net-snmp-5.4.2p1
nmap-4.76 pcre-7.7p0 pftop-0.7p0 pkg-list postfix-2.5.3-sasl2 screen-4.0.3p1
Proceed? [y/N]
[r...@ns3 ~]#
The problem is the extra "/" after the server name, fetch fails. I am highly
frustrated. Really. Any suggestions? It sucks to copy all ports to the local
disk to update ports.
Thanks, Helmut
No Swen today, my love has gone away
My mailbox stands for lorn, a symbol of the dawn