Hey guys, This is a very general question, but I'm sure not exactly sure how to proceed. I'll be getting a lot of hardware soon to be clustered and I was wondering what was your take on the setup.
My setup was going to be: 1 OpenBSD Router running 4.5 routing to a subnet of 13 nodes running FreeBSD 7.2. Of the 13 nodes, 1 node is a master mysql server and the 12 nodes will run apache running LAMP-like services. The router will round-robin using hoststated for load-balancing. However, they will serve an additional task: The master mysql server will be head node for MPI jobs delivered to the 12 nodes. Basically, this setup will double up as a beowulf and web server. Is this efficient? I imagine the MPI jobs won't be running all the time and while they're up, might as well do something. Firstly, would you recommend BSD or Linux for this. The router is a given to have OpenBSD of course, but what about the others? I figured it makes sense to parallelize as much as possible so that the HTTP/MPI load can be shared among as many computers as possible. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Vivek