L. V. Lammert wrote:
> Trying to build a replacement HD, I did an installboot to the drive when
> it was connected via USB adapter.
> That DNW, however, .. but I'm not sure if was an issue installing to a
> USAB drive or something lse happened.
>> Is there any issue with changing the drive ID after running installboot
> (i.e. sd0 -> hd0)?

nope.  You aren't doing that, anyway.
"hd0" is the first bootable HD, according to the BIOS.
"sd0" is the first scsi-like HD according to hardware connection.

You are (probably) changing from sd0 to wd0, but that only messes up
your /etc/fstab file.

>> If not, any suggestions as to what might have choked? I mounted the new
> HD on a USB adapter, then did installboot from the *old* system to the
> new drive on sd0, then failed when booting the new drive in another
> system.

let's see your command line...and the what happens...
The error message will tell us lots about what happened and what
didn't happen.

Usual error is to forget that "boot" specified on the installboot command
line is not the one in the installboot directory or your current root
partition, but rather the /boot that exists on the root partition of the
target drive (i.e., the "boot" you WILL use, not the one that you already


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