On Fri, May 01, 2009 at 02:50:48PM -0700, jebyrnes wrote:
> Hello, all.  I have a question.  A long time ago in college I ran an openBSD
> server.  It was an old, cantankerous machine, and eventually something
> happened to the motherboard, and it died.  The drives, with all of their
> data, are still fine.  In fact, I'd like to recover the data.  In my current
> situation, I don't have access to the equipment to put together a new box
> with the old drives in it.  I would like to get the data, off, however.  All
> I have is a mac laptop.
> Will OSX be able to access these drives?  Are their any utilities that would
> help in this?  It's been a while since I hacked around at this level, so
> would appreciate any advice you all could give.  Thanks.

Find an external USB enclosure.  Toss them in.  Connect it.  Boot
OpenBSD in a virtual machine.  Mount drive.  Read files.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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