On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 05:47:20PM -0400, Nick Guenther wrote:
> Why do only certain wireless cards support host AP mode or IBSS mode?
> Is the 'modality' hardwired into the wifi hardware?
> For the archives (since I couldn't find anything on this), the drivers
> that support being wireless routers (Host AP mode) are:
> acs(4), ath(4), pgt(4), ral(4), rtw(4), rum(4), ural(4) and wi(4)
> Drivers that support joining ad-hoc networks:
> acx(4), an(4), ath(4), atu(4), atw(4), ipw(4), iwi(4), pgt(4), ral(4),
> ray(4), rtw(4), rum(4), ural(4), urtw(4), wi(4)
> Drivers that can be ad-hoc "masters" (is this still correct or are
> ad-hoc masters outdated?):
> wi(4)
> (zyd(4) says the chip has the ability to do ad-hoc but "more work is
> required", and googling
> (http://mirror.hamakor.org.il/archives/linux-il/11-2005/18095.html)
> suggests it can be an access point too)

The list is not correct. acx(4) is quite fine in host-ap mode (I guess 
acs(4) is a typo in the first list).
Being not able to do host-ap mode on wifi cards are either HW limitations
or documentation limitation. So not much we can do about it.

:wq Claudio

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