On Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:51:30 +0000
rivo nurges <r...@estpak.ee> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have taken a bit different route.
> sudo btconfig ubt0 up
> sudo sdpd
> sudo bthcid

Thanks for sharing.  This reminds me that I also forgot to mention
sdpd and bthcid *sigh*  I should probably clean up my notes a bit
and put it online.  However, WEiRD mentioned that he might do just
that so I'll wait a bit and see if I can get away with it ;-)

For extra coolness, I'm also running hotplugd(8) to start the
daemons and do the necessary configuration when I enable Bluetooth
(and the other way around when I disable it).

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