* Mike Swanson <mikeonthecompu...@gmail.com> [2009-04-27 23:34]:
> unix3 wrote:
>> Hi, I want to know if there would be any incompatibility if I use the amd64
>> install cd to call a http server with the i386 filesets and install them..
>> is this safe?
> No, you should use the same architecture's CD rather than a completely
> different one.  Even if you managed to get this to work somehow, you
> wouldn't be able to use the amd64 installer without the processor
> supporting amd64 instructions; at that point, why are you bothering to
> install i386 when you clearly have the option to use the superior arch?

hah. I install i386 code on amd64 hardware all the time. it is
considerably faster for much of the stuff I am doing (larger data
structures -> memory pressure. at least, that's the theory. unlikely to
matter for webbrowsing or your generic mailserver)

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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