FRLinux wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 11:08 PM, Jean-Francois 
> <> wrote:
> > This is just to have the taste of how good is the actual 
> achievement of
> > security in openbsd.
> Well, reading from the archives, that should give you a 
> fairly good taste.
> > Sorry please tell me how to proceed then ? For example gmail has
> > to be very good at security due to their number of customers,
> > therefore if one needs to have this level of interactivity
> > such as login, etc ... and keep security high, how to proceed then ?
> > For the moment I intend to use php/Myadmin but should one help
> > me to setup higher level of security I take.
> That is beyond the scope of this list, you are actually talking about
> hardening your $webserver and php installation. There are many
> tutorials online.
Sorry, couldn't let "... gmail has to be very good ..." go by.
There is a difference between need and ability. 
They are often confused.
The consequences are not pretty.

You can find some advice on how to harden certain aspects of a system.
Your real opponent though is Mother Nature, and she doesn't even require 
that anybody have any kind of bad intentions.
If you look closely at OpenBSD, you'll find that the emphasis has
shifted to correctness from "mere" security.

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