On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 19:17:45 +0100
FRLinux <frli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Thomas Pfaff <tpf...@tp76.info> wrote:
> > I'm kind of looking for a yes or no answer, so I can either drop it
> > or do more research.
> Looks like a yes, recent page too: http://www.daybefore.net/bluetooth_ppp.html

Thank you for that.  RFCOMM, of course ;-)  Now I can at least establish
a link to my Nokia and have rfcomm_sppd running on /dev/ttyp0:

  $ btpin -a phone -r -l 4
  PIN: 6847
  $ rfcomm_sppd -d ubt0 -a phone -s DUN -m encrypt -t /dev/ttyp0
  (phone ask if you accept the connection, then ask for the pin)

So far so good.  However, when I try to connect using

  $ pppd call netcom  # i.e. /etc/ppp/peers/netcom ...

it waits for a while and then the phone gives me the message
"Subscribe to packet data first" (roughly translated).

I don't get this message when I use Windows, though, so it seems
to be a configuration issue.

I'll keep digging.

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