You know what, I actually have figured out a way to make softraid crypto
go faster but I'll hang on to that until I figure out how to license
code in a way that excludes you using it.  I might call it the
sebatianrotherisfuckingretardedGPL license.  I swear you make my
appetite to hack diminish pretty rapidly.  You are some sort of +20
troll and I keep missing my saving throw or something.  I guess there
simply isn't a cure for your stupidity.

On Sun, Apr 26, 2009 at 08:52:53PM +0200, Sebastian Rother wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Apr 2009 11:37:24 -0500
> Marco Peereboom <> wrote:
> > You are retarded and unable to figure out what is going on.  Spouting
> > horeshit as usual.  Seriously just go away.
> From one retard to another: Go and fix the retarded pf code or whatever
> except of talking in such a way to somebody else. Or go and watch some
> horse porn.. seams you love horse shit anyway. :-)
> Sebastian

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