> Aaron Martinez wrote:
>>> On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Aaron Martinez <m...@proficuous.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> 1) what does the /etc/passwd entry for one of these users look like?
>> lgf:*:1010:10000::/home/ght:/usr/local/bbox/bin/login_script
>>> 2) when you say "they get a standard shell", what *EXACTLY* do you
>>> mean?
>>>    (If you mean "they get a /bin/sh prompt and it runs their
>>> .profile", then please say that)
>> when logging in as user ght
> You changed shell for user lgf; then login as ght?
sorry.. i was just preserving identities.. and missed one lgf entry..  
the actual user is lgf.  i just was changing it to ght.  So everything is
in fact lgf there is no mixing of id's.

$ ls -l /usr/local/login_script
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2132 Apr 23 00:22 /usr/local/login_script

thanks again for the ideas.


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