* Jason Dixon <ja...@dixongroup.net> [2009-04-16 07:18]:
> We had a spare set of servers available, so I went back to the lab and
> reproduced the traffic profile.  I then tested the same load with the MP
> kernel.  My tests revealed that even though the kernel is not threaded,
> we benefit from equal distribution of interrupts across all cores.  Our
> interrupt load effectively decreased by a factor of 4;  since we aren't
> performing any userland activity, the other 3 cores are otherwise
> unused.

was this 4.5 or earlier? If earlier what you saw could be pic vs apic.
since 4.5 we have apic usually on UP too.
if it isn't that, I am stunned. could speculate about better cache
usage, but that would be about the only idea i'd have.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
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