On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:05:18 +0100, Richie wrote > That is strange because i update the source via cvsup with this ...
[snip] > .... and i did what is in: http://www.openbsd.org/stable.html > The kernel dont have any problem. > I reboot and have this version: OpenBSD 4.4-stable (ATECH) #3: Tue Then my guess about running -current was wrong. Of course, I didn't *know* if you were running -current, as your initial posting didn't say what you're running. However, I *do* see that you were not just building -stable, but that you built a custom kernel. I do not know if your custom kernel is the reason for your userland build trouble or not. But if you want better answers than guesses, you will actually have to provide information when you report trouble. Steps to solving your problem: 1. Re-read FAQ 5.6. 2. Boot a GENERIC kernel. It can be -release or -stable. (-Stable adds no new features, so you may run the -release kernel and build -stable userland). 4. Re start the userland build process, while running GENERIC, per FAQ 5.3.5. 5. If you have the same problem, report it once more. But this time, include a complete dmesg, which will show your architecture (something we don't yet know) as well as what hardware was recognized and what drivers are active.