grunk@ --seems there's a problem with your cvs - noted below.

On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:21:06 +0200 "soko.tica" <>

> > You'll hate me for saying this but... dump GNOME.
> > You'll hate me even more for saying this but... try cwm (in Xbase)
> > and/or scrotwm (in ports/x11/scrotwm or possibly as a package?)
> >
> > After you're done hating me, you'll love all the screen space.
> I will not hate you, but until present I was not able to find the way
> to add keyboard layouts that I need for desktop in some of the window
> managers - specifically some of the Latin
> Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian/Slovenian as well as the Serbian Cyrillic.
> Remapping by wscons, I guess, won't work ( I haven't tried it), since
> it would probably lead me into various problems that I wouldn't be
> able to solve, for instance, in creating .pdf from .odt. Besides, I
> need those keyboard layouts only in desktop and don't want them
> elsewhere.
> If there is a way to do it that you can tell me, I'd be very grateful.
> I don't mind for desktop background, at present I can't disable it in
> GNOME for I get the following:
> ===
> Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'.
> Without the GNOME settings manager running, some preferences may not
> take effect. This could indicate a problem with Bonobo, or a non-GNOME
> (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with
> the GNOME settings manager.
> ===

Your example of having problems creating a PDF from an Open Office ODT
file does not make any sense to me. 

Typically speaking, configuring the wscons(4) driver through wsconsctl
(8) would not work for you simply because we do not have keyboard
mappings for the languages you mentioned above. Normally, with wscons
(4) you'd configure it like this:

        # wsconsctl keyboard.encoding=uk

To find a full list of supported mappings, you need to look at pckbd(4)
for details.

If you are dealing with files which have file names using special
characters from various languages, it might be worth your time to build
(and submit) keyboard mappings for wscons. This would allow you at
least some degree of "easy" access to your files from a default virtual
terminal (i.e. CTRL-ALT-F1 and etc. without X running). In pckbd(8) I
do see Slovenian listed, but I do not know the requirements for the
other languages you listed.

Good Reading:

As you probably guessed, using wscons configuration is obviously *not*
the way easily switched language support is being done inside of
X desktop environments like Gnome, KDE and others.

Though X does talk to your keyboard *through* wscons, X is actually
doing so through it's own keyboard driver kbd(8). Needless to say, the
default X keyboard driver kbd(8) is a front-end for wscons. If you look
at the output of the following:

        $ sudo kbd -l

You'll basically see the list of supported mappings from pckbd(8).

The way the desktop environments like Gnome and KDE do their language
magic is basically through xmodmap(8). In short, what they've done is
create new keyboard maps at the "X level" (rather than at the system
level), and use xmodmap to load the desired mapping.

Needless to say, this approach only gives you access to the keyboard
mapping and/or language support when you're running X.

Since both Gnome and KDE are absolute beasts when it comes to size,
functionality, and bloat, you would probably have better luck figuring
out the xmodmap magic used by studying a more simple desktop like XFCE.

Once you figure out the xmodmap magic they are using to give
language/keyboard support, you could use it with cwm and/or scrotwm.

If you come from working in the environment of massive GUI "desktops"
like MS-Windows, MacOS, KDE, Gnome, and others, it will take some time
for you to get used to the minimalist approach of cwm and scrotwm. If
you stick with it, you'll eventually be far faster and far better off.

> There is no .xinitrc in my /home. How can I create it?

The default xinitrc file for the system is located in:


You can copy the system xinitrc to your home directory as ~/.xinitrc and
modify your copy without affecting the default one for the whole system.

> Regarding xenocara cvs update, is there anything in the command that I
> do wrong? I can't see how is without xenocara,
> since all other servers are mirroring it.
> ===
> # cd /usr/xenocara/
> # export
> # cvs -d up -Pd
> ^CKilled by signal 2.
> cvs [update aborted]: received interrupt signal
> # cvs -d up -Pd xenocara
> ^Ccvs [update aborted]: received interrupt signal
> Killed by signal 2.
> # cd /usr
> # cvs -d up -Pd xenocara
> ^Ccvs [update aborted]: received interrupt signal
> Killed by signal 2.
> #

I just ran a simple test from here, attempting to checkout (co) just
the Makefile for the xeoncara tree.

$ cd ~/
$ export
$ cvs -d$CVSROOT co -rOPENBSD_4_4 xenocara/Makefile     
The authenticity of host ' (' can't
be established. RSA key fingerprint is
fc:94:b0:c1:e5:b0:98:7c:58:43:99:76:97:ee:9f:b7. Are you sure you want
to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added
',' (RSA) to the list of known
hosts. exec request failed on channel 0 
cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
if any)

In short, the server is broken _OR_ it does not have the xenocara tree.

Alexander von Gernler (grunk@) runs that server, so I've cc'd him.

When updating xenocara, you *do* need a lot of patience if you're on a
slow connection (like mine).

Since you will most likely *change* cvs servers, you'll want to tell
cvs to ignore the sticky tags and other details.

        $ cvs -d$CVSROOT up -rOPENBSD_4_4 -ACPd

The ``-C'' switch will preserve your local changes (if any) by renaming
your changed files and downloading fresh copies. The ``-A'' switch will
take care of the cvs tags. See man cvs for details.

> =======
> Regarding privoxy /var/log/privoxy/logvile was owned by root, group
> _privoxy, permissions 644. I chowned it to owner _privoxy, but firefox
> still can't use it.
> ======
> $ ps auxww | grep privoxy
> _privoxy 15523  0.0  0.2  1076  1640 ??  Is     8:22AM    0:00.02
> /usr/local/sbin/privoxy --user _privoxy /etc/privoxy/config
> $ ps auxww | grep privoxy
> _privoxy 15523  0.0  0.2  1076  1640 ??  Is     8:22AM    0:00.02
> /usr/local/sbin/privoxy --user _privoxy /etc/privoxy/config
> $ cat /var/log/privoxy/logfile
> Apr 14 08:22:37.943 Privoxy(857c1c00) Info: Privoxy version 3.0.8
> Apr 14 08:22:37.943 Privoxy(857c1c00) Info: Program name:
> /usr/local/sbin/privoxy
> Apr 14 08:22:38.006 Privoxy(857c1c00) Info: Listening on port 8118 for
> local connections only
> $
> ===
> I guess it could be something with DNS. I'm behind NAT firewall.
> ===

Since you messed with permissions, something has probably gone wrong.
It would probably be best if you uninstalled the privoxy package and
deleted the config (/etc/privoxy) and log (/var/log/privoxy)
directories, then reinstall it.

Privoxy, though useful on it's own, is often used in conjunction with
tor (The Onion Router). If you also install tor, then you can use the
ever so nifty "TOR Button" plugin for firefox.

        $ sudo pkg_add -i tor
        $ sudo pkg_add -i privoxy


        $ sudo pkg_info -M tor
        $ sudo pkg_info -M privoxy

*NOTE: I think I mistakenly stated `-i` in my previous email regarding
how to view the install message of a package. --so much for a total
recall :-)

        $ sudo vi /etc/rc.local
        # Add your local startup actions here.

        if [ -x /usr/local/bin/tor ]; then
                echo -n ' tor';
                /usr/local/bin/tor --runasdaemon 1

        if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/privoxy ]; then
                echo -n ' privoxy';
                /usr/local/sbin/privoxy --user _privoxy._privoxy \

Open Privoxy's "config" file (look in /etc/privoxy/ or /usr/local/etc/)
and add the line

        forward-socks4a / .

to the top of the config file. Don't forget to add the dot at the end.
This might also be desired

        forwarded-connect-retries  0

Then you start up *both* tor and privoxy

#  /usr/local/bin/tor --runasdaemon 1
# /usr/local/sbin/privoxy --user _privoxy._privoxy /etc/privoxy/config

Lastly, install the "TOR Button" plugin for firefox.

Since these programs/daemons are running on your local system (which
can access the web just fine through firefox), there is no way your
problems could be caused by DNS or NAT. Your problem is that you just
don't have things configured right.

J.C. Roberts

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