Hi. I need two things: I need to use the command "mkdir", the command "mount" and "umount", but ONLY THOSE. Somebody could say me what could i write in sudoers? I have searched and i have tried several things but it's a little difficult configure two comands. Thank you very much.
- I need to mount in a normal account Juan Jimenez Galdos
- Re: I need to mount in a normal account Fred Crowson
- Re: I need to mount in a normal account Juan Jimenez Galdos
- Re: I need to mount in a normal account Abel Camarillo
- Re: I need to mount in a normal accou... Stuart Henderson
- Re: I need to mount in a normal account Juan Jimenez Galdos
- Re: I need to mount in a normal accou... Juan Jimenez Galdos
- Re: I need to mount in a normal ... Nick Guenther
- Re: I need to mount in a nor... Hannah Schroeter
- Re: I need to mount in a normal ... Tomáš Bodžár
- Re: I need to mount in a nor... Hannah Schroeter