On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 12:45 AM, J.C. Roberts <list-...@designtools.org> wrote:
> Floor,
> ifconfig is a constantly moving target. For example, if you look at the
> 'current' web page (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html) you'll see
> two syntax changes in the last six months.

I've noticed this a few times with 'ifconfig <if> chan'.
> The best you can do in a situation like this is use an exec/system call
> from your chosen language (sh, perl, python, ...), and remember to read
> the new man page and test your code on each new release.

I was hoping to avoid parsing ifconfig output precisely because it's a
moving target. Using ifconfig.c isn't the best solution either. I
can't just include the file and copy/pasting portions of the code is
bad for maintainability.

I guess I'll start with some quick 'n dirty ifconfig parsing until I
have a clear picture of  what I want.

> --
> J.C. Roberts


Floor Terra <flo...@gmail.com>
www: http://brobding.mine.nu/

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