From: "Ricardo Augusto de Souza" <>
Could you please tell me the steps I must follow?
Is it possible enable it at boot -c?
I don't wish to be rude, but you're not reading what people are telling you
aac is not enabled in snapshots. you still need to build your own on
another machine.
It is not possible to enable it using boot -c, as aac support is
deliberately disabled due to poor documentation from adaptec.
Look at the documentation on how to create a custom kernel. Your best option
is to create a custom ramdisk kernel, which you can then netboot off and
install over the network, otherwise you're going to have to build your own
cd image which is a bit more involved but still not that difficult.
If you do do the ramdisk based install, remember to either patch a custom
(non ramdisk - i.e. normal) kernel into /mnt following the install, or
download all the sets to a local FTP/HTTP/'whatever install method' site and
replace bsd/ with an aac enabled kernel.
Be certain to update your RAID controller firmware to the latest version.
I have a Dell PE2400 (Perc2/Si) working fine with an aac enabled kernel
here, although I might be a bit dubious of running it on a production basis.