
So is wrong?

Cause we can see this there:

RAID and Cache Controllers

ICP-Vortex and Intel GDT series (gdt) (A) (C)
Adaptec FSA-based RAID controllers (aac), including: (*)
Note: In the past years Adaptec has lied to us repeatedly about
forthcoming documentation which would have allowed us to stabilize,
improve and manage RAID support for these (rather buggy) raid
As a result, we do not recommend the Adaptec cards for use.
Adaptec AAC-2622, AAC-364, AAC-3642, 2130S, 2200S, 2230SLP, 2410SA,
2610SA, 2810SA, 21610SA
Dell PERC 2/QC, PERC 2/Si, PERC 3/Si, PERC 3/D
HP NetRaid-4M
IBM ServeRAID-8i/8k/8s

As i cant install openbsd on  IBM 3550, I installed FreeBSD 7.1.
This is dmesg:

FreeBSD shows:
aac0: <IBM ServeRAID-8k> port 0x4000-0x40ff mem
0xcce00000-0xccffffff,0xcafe0000-0xcaffffff irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci2
aac0: Enable Raw I/O
aac0: Enable 64-bit array
aac0: New comm. interface enabled
aac0: [ITHREAD]
aac0: ServeRAID 8k-l  , aac driver 2.0.0-1

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Chris Cappuccio []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009 19:07
Para: Ricardo Augusto de Souza
Assunto: Re: OpenBSD on IBM 3550

your controller isn't supported.
unless it has i2o mode, try something else

Ricardo Augusto de Souza [] wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an IBM 3550 with SAS disks and Adaptec ServeRAID 8k controller
> and I AM NOT able to install openBSD on it.
> Installation didn't find any hard disk during installation.
> According with
> <>  it works with adaptec serveraid.
> If I change SAS to SATA disks will openBSD recognize them at
> installation ?
> Thanks

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