On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Chris Jones <cjo...@gdisoftware.com> wrote:
> Good morning folks,
> I am a little bit stumped with my firewall config and need some
> assistance. I have a Soekris net4501 with two interfaces connected. The
> sis1 interface is connected to my macbook and the sis2 interface (vlan
> trunk) is connected to my switch (see diagram below). I have a bridge
> interface (bridge0) with with vlan100, sis1 and ral0 as members. I
> assume this is the best way to have multiple physical interfaces in a vlan.
>                                   .-------.
>                                  |         |
>                                  | macbook |
> .------.+ sis0        .---------+ |_________|
> |      |             /             \_________\
> |  fw  |+ sis1 +----*
> |      |          802.1q trunk    .----------.  vlan99 (inet)
> !______!+ sis2 +----------------+ |  switch  | +-------------
>    |                             !__________!
>    +ral0     .--------.               +
>              |        |   vlan100    /
>              | server | ------------*
>              |        |
>              !________!
> With no rules loaded in PF everything works just fine. From my Macbook I
> am able to NAT outside the network and also access everything on
> vlan100. When I load the rules into PF I am unable to access the
> management IP on the switch or my server, both of which are in vlan100.
> It's obviously an issue with pf and the bridge interface, I just can't
> seem to figure it out (see config below).
> I appreciate any advice on this.
> Cheers,
> -Chris
> hostname.sis1
> -------------
> up
> hostname.sis2
> -------------
> up
> hostname.vlan99
> ---------------
> dhcp NONE NONE NONE vlan 99 vlandev sis2
> hostname.vlan100
> ----------------
> inet NONE vlan 100 vlandev sis2
> bridgename.bridge0
> ------------------
> add vlan100
> add sis1
> add ral0
> up
> pf.conf
> -------
> #################################################################
> # Macros
> ext_if="vlan99"
> int_if="vlan100"
> int_bridge="bridge0"
> int_net=""
> icmp_types="echoreq"
> #################################################################
> # Options
> set block-policy return
> set loginterface $ext_if
> set skip on lo
> #################################################################
> # Traffic Normalization
> scrub in
> #################################################################
> # NAT Rules: "rdr", "nat", "binat"
> nat on $ext_if from !($ext_if) -> ($ext_if:0)
> nat-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> rdr-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> rdr pass on $int_if proto tcp to port ftp -> port 8021
> rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 2121 \
>        -> port 21
> rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 2222 \
>        -> port 22
> rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port 80 \
>        -> port 80
> #################################################################
> # Filter Rules
> block in
> pass out
> anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
> antispoof quick for lo0
> pass  in log on $ext_if proto udp from any to ($ext_if:0) \
>        port {500, 4500}
> pass out log on $ext_if proto udp from ($ext_if:0) to any \
>        port {500, 4500}
> pass  in log on $ext_if proto esp from any to ($ext_if:0)
> pass out log on $ext_if proto esp from ($ext_if:0) to any
> pass  in log on enc0 proto ipencap from any to ($ext_if:0) \
>        keep state (if-bound)
> pass out log on enc0 proto ipencap from ($ext_if:0) to any \
>        keep state (if-bound)
> pass  in on enc0 from to any keep state (if-bound)
> pass out on enc0 from to any keep state (if-bound)
> pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto udp from any to port 1194
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto tcp to ($ext_if) port ssh
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto tcp from any to \
>        port 21
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto tcp from any to \
>        port 22
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto tcp from any to \
>        port 80
> pass in  log on $ext_if proto tcp to ($ext_if) port smtp
> pass out log on $ext_if proto tcp from ($ext_if) to port smtp
> pass quick on $int_if

I don't know bridge interfaces, but for shits and giggles try adding:

pass quick on $int_bridge


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