On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 10:18:56PM +0800, Pui Edylie wrote: > Hi Mikolaj, > > Here is the Perl script on F5 Dev Central which is used for *nix system > > http://devcentral.f5.com/Default.aspx?tabid=63&articleType=ArticleView&articleId=32 > > I have used it with great success on Linux but it should very pretty > straight forward for *BSD
Thanks Pui! Cool stuff. That's what I was looking for. Works fine with ppp(8). Only thing which I'm not able to make work is `set authkey' with script. Fragment from ppp(8): set [auth]key value ... If the first character of value is an exclamation mark (`!'), ppp treats the remainder of the string as a program that must be exe- cuted to determine the ``authname'' and ``authkey'' values. ... but that doesn't work for me. Currently I'm copy-pasting authkey from modified version of perl script[ref#1] output each time I want to connect to VPN, but that's little bit annoying. Anybody has cule how to make authname/authkey work with scripts? $ sysctl -n kern.version OpenBSD 4.5-current (GENERIC) #14: Fri Mar 27 06:57:10 MDT 2009 dera...@i386.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC # /etc/ppp/ppp.conf firepass: set device "!/usr/sbin/openssl s_client -quiet -ign_eof -host VPN-SERVER-DOT-COM -port 443" set authkey "COOKIE-FROM-HTTP-HEADERS" set dial "\"\" GET\\s/myvpn?sess=\\P\\sHTTP/1.0\\r\\nCookie:\\sMRHSession=\\P\\r\\n\\r\\n" set timeout 0 set dns DNS-SERVER-TAKEN-FROM-WINDOWS enable dns accept dns resolv reload resolv readonly add! VPN-SERVER-DOT-COM CURRENT-DEFAULT-GATEWAY bg ifconfig INTERFACE description "LABEL CONNECTING" # /etc/ppp/ppp.linkup firepass: add! default HISADDR resolv rewrite shell ifconfig INTERFACE description "LABEL is UP" # /etc/ppp/ppp.linkdown firepass: shell ifconfig INTERFACE description "LABEL is DOWN" resolv restore resolv reload References 1. http://devcentral.f5.com/SDK/sslvpn.public.pl.txt 2. http://devcentral.f5.com/weblogs/dctv/archive/2006/10/30/fploginscript.aspx 3. http://fuhm.net/software/f5vpn-login/ -- best regards q#