>> You should be able to find a suitable order site at
>> http://www.openbsd.org/orders.html
>Being in the UK I think I have two options on there.  One is always 
>lagging behind (their website currently lists 4.3!) and the other is 
>OpenBSDEurope - is this a new seller covering Europe now Wim has been 
>dropped as supplier?  If I buy from this seller will the money be going 
>to the project?

OpenBSDEurope is a new UK-based seller who has showed up; keen to do
business now that there is space for new seller.  They are not
associated with OpenBSD directly, except I gave permission for the
word OpenBSD to be used by them in that way.  Almost all resellers we
are talk to are actually offering or insisting on pre-payment for
shipments to them, which stands in stark contrast to the way Wim did
business (requesting payment on just the actual production cost of the
CD, to avoid paying VAT on the real price, and then retaining the
payments for roughly 5 years).

Some of the existing European distributors will still get their
product from Wim this time around, since Austin convinced me that we
should still give Wim a quantity.  This is to avoid shock to the
buyers at the end of the chain, ie you.  To me, that's like feeding 
a dog who just bit your leg, but we also feel for you customers who's
credit cards Wim charged before we even have manufacturing done.

Same as with any other reseller who does clean business, 60% of the CD
sales will go to the Computer Shop.  Then Computer Shop will then
support the project out of the proceeds on very clear terms that we
have come to agree with over the years.  This part works very well,
thanks to Austin's dilligent attention to detail.

All the other resellers have been legit and good (well, there was one
other smaller one that caused trouble for a bit).  Buying from Wim,
much less than 60% per CD has made it back to the project over the last
decade.  I shudder to think of the value.  Austin is still calculating
the full losses we have encountered.

So go ahead, buy from OpenBSDEurope.  They're new, keen, and best way
for me to be here in a year saying "they are legit" is for people to
find out.

Those of you who cancel orders with Wim and move to another seller
who they know is not ordering from Wim?  Well, it is your call :-)

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