On Thu, 2 Apr 2009 10:16:31 -0700 "J.C. Roberts" <list-...@designtools.org> wrote: > On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 22:11:07 -0600 Theo de Raadt > <dera...@cvs.openbsd.org> wrote: > > > I work hard. > > I know you do! -- I look at your work every day.
I use said work every day. The results I see and the work being put into this project is more than enough for me to want to donate. I don't care what the project does with my money; it was a gift, a thank you for your hard work (and a hope that it will continue). However, when I buy a CD-set it is not for the product (that's available online anyway) but in the belief that OpenBSD will benefit from my purchase. When that seems to have not been the case with KD85, I really appreciate Theo taking the time to explain the situation. He does not have to, but doing so is, IMO, being respectful and patient towards the people donating. At any rate, this whole thing does not change anything for me. I just feel sad for the OpenBSD project that they did not get what they expected from CD sales in Europe.