I really didn't realize how much this pushes everyones buttons.  I thought
OBSD was OBSD not matter where you go with it.

"I just replaced the kernel with netbsd, the userland with freebsd and try to start linux apps under emulation, but this is still OpenBSD so you will help me, no?"

No, its not OBSD no matter where you go with it.

 I thought these questions
would be fairly easy to deal with on a forum.  But perhaps that's the
problem.  I'm putting myself into a situation where I need to ask for
answers that I shouldn't need to be ask for.
I stated in my last post why I'm doing what I'm doing, and again it's my
failing.  I'm stubborn, I don't like giving up on something.  I'd still like
to get this working even if I don't end up using the image at least for the
learning experience.

Just because I like bashing my own head in over this sorta stuff doesn't
mean everyone else does.  I apologize.

Its not the crazy doings, its the expectation that others are supposed to waste their time figuring out what weirdness you have caused
that is wasteful.

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