On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 07:42:31AM -0700, Frothingdog.ca wrote:
> I have the image mounted to /mnt/etc using vnconfig so I can modify the
> files before flashing the image (ie. boot.conf, rc, dhcpd.conf...etc).  But
> I'd like to install a coupe packages into the image, such as MTR and TTCP. 
> However I'm not quite sure how to do it or even where to start.  I'm a newb
> to this.

chroot(8) into the directory, then pkg_add(8) the packages via ftp,
http, or from an nfs mount.


Krankheit als Weg -- wie verarbeite ich meinen Kopfdurchschu_?
                -- Ansgar Stein

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