Hi Sarah,

try to make a search in ports tree for different kind of proxies:

Port:   havp-0.89
Path:   www/havp
Info:   web proxy with antivirus filter
Maint:  Giovanni Bechis <g.bec...@snb.it>
Index:  www
L-deps: clamav.>=1::security/clamav
B-deps: :devel/gmake
Archs:  any

For scanning mails there are a lot of tutorials right now...

Regards Uwe

Protocol Six Consulting(contact.us) wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone here knows how to integrate the PF firewall  
> with ClamAV.
> I am planning on putting into production an OpenBSD firewall and would  
> like to do virus scanning at the network perimeter.
> I am definitely interested in scanning email traffic, but also possibly  
> Web and IRC (and any other traffic types that makes sense) for a group  
> of 25 people.
> Unfortunately I've not seen any real discussion or howtos for this type  
> of integration.
> I've also looked in the PF FAQ pages and in the archives of Openbsd-misc  
> or Openbsd-PF.
> Finally, the BookOfPF (which I like a lot!!) doesn't seem to touch on  
> this topic either.
> I suspect my mental picture of how PF and ClamAV work together may be  
> flawed or incomplete.
> I guess I'm assuming there is a way to have PF pass information directly  
> to ClamAV, but perhaps some middle-ware glue is necessary.
> Any pointers and/or info would be greatly appreciated by this newbie.
> Thanks and best regards,
> :-)
> Sarah

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