On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 01:51:19PM -0000, Michal wrote:
| Sorry but I worked for a very successful company in the UK that didn't use
| auto neg's on Cisco switches and routers so I wouldn't call it evil AT all,
| please explain why manual is evil.

Manual is error-prone. If everything defaults to auto, everything
should work and only broken setups (ancient hardware / broken drivers
/ etc) will give you problems. Broken setups are the things you want
to get rid of, not work around.

Configuring speed and duplex is not a solution but a workaround. The
workaround used to be common place (in my experience, it was mostly
between 3com NICs and Cisco switches, YMMV) but that doesn't make it
any less of a workaround. Of course, the proper solution is to fix
broken drivers / switches.

Workaround bad, mmmkay ?

Paul 'WEiRD' de WEerd


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