May I draw attention again on this problem :)

PF cannot route the packet back to the socket when using the "divert-reply"
option, if a bridge(4) runs over the interface of arrival. Can anything be
done for this? Otherwise, it would be good to document this in pf.conf(5),
and the inapplicability of the SO_BINDANY option in setsockopt(2).

> Hello folks,
> On a vanilla OpenBSD4.4/i386, I am using the attached spoof.c program
> to connect to an address pretending to be a source IP that is not
> actually configured on the OpenBSD box.
> I use the SO_BINDANY socket option for spoofing, and PF is configured
> accordingly (see attached pf.conf).
> When I run eg
> spoof
> in a "normal" network setup, spoof actually terminates with a
> "Connection
> refused" as expected. However, if I switch the box to the bridged
> setup I need,
> spoof hangs until a timeout is reached. The bridged setup is as follows:
> - a pair of interfaces $int_if and $ext_if, members of a bridge0
> - $ext_if is configured with an address of its own to access the inet
> - to $int_if there is connected a client, with an address of its own,
> that
> passes through the bridge to connect to the internet
> - spoof generates a SYN packet which is written to both $ext_if and
> $int_if,
> and the response arrives from the client only on $int_if
> A tcpdump on pflog0 run selectively on the divert-reply rule indicates
> that the both request AND response packets are actually picked by that
> rule, but the latter is apparently not actually passed to the socket.
> At the same time, a tcpdump over $ext_if indicates that the response
> from
> the client is copied there.
> My intuition is that the packet proceeds through the kernel after the
> divert-reply
> and there it is captured by the bridge(4) driver, thus not making it
> to the socket.
> In this case, none of the routing rules seems applicable to prevent
> the packet
> from proceeding through that flow. Is there another possibility, or
> divert-reply
> is inapplicable when combined with bridge(4)?
> Any other insight is welcome.
> thanks
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
> had a name of spoof.c]
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/octet-stream which
> had a name of pf.conf]

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