On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Constantine Cusulos
<noha...@freemail.gr> wrote:
> Ted Unangst wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 1:45 PM, Constantine Cusulos
>> <noha...@freemail.gr> wrote:
>>> I am trying to run a linux binary on my OpenBSD 4.4/i386 system. The
>>> binary
>>> file (let's call it 'fpc') is a static executable.
>>> Is there something i can do to run this binary??
>> generally, if it's not detected automatically, you have to brand it by
>> dd'ing the string "Linux" into the second 8 bytes of the file.
> I am no expert user of the dd command so i did some man-paging and
> archive-searching. Is the following command ok?
> $ echo Linux | dd of=/emul/linux/usr/bin/fpc bs=1 seek=8
> After that, when i execute 'fpc' i get:
> $/emul/linux/usr/bin/fpc
> /emul/linux/usr/bin/fpc[1]:ELFLinux: not found

you want Linux without a newline, so use echo -n.  dd by default
truncates, so a better set of options is something like bs=8 count=1

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