<pavka <at> mail.bg> writes: > > Hi people! > I use OpenBSD 4.4 and i need to have perl-5.8.9. I upgraded it via > "perl -MCPAN -e shell", it installed successfully, but my pkgtools - > pkg_info and etc. become broken:
> > Is there something special when upgrading perl, that i missed ? Yes, that it isn't supported? If you wanted a later Perl, update to OpenBSD 4.5 which comes with 5.10. Sounds like CPAN.pm didn't set the correct INC (specifically /usr/libdata/perl5 and friends). You could try a cvs update in /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/perl and use make -f Makefile.bsd-wrapper to build and install. I haven't tried it and can't guarantee it will work, but it is much more likely to work than what you have already tried. It is also not supported (you'd need to upgrade your ports, ports tree, pkg_add and most likely anything else using perl in base, a real frankensystem). It would be much easier just to upgrade to 4.5 or a snapshot. Alternatively perl 5.10 can be installed into its own completely independent tree (e.g. /usr/local/perl5.10), so you could try that too (not an option before 5.10 I think) though your base will still use the perl in /usr/bin and any local patches will not have been applied.