On Mon, Mar 09, 2009 at 12:25:12PM +0100, Arnoud Vermeer wrote:
> We commented out the following lines, to test if it is indeed an 
> End-of-RIB-marker that is acting up, and it turns out it isn't.
> in rde.c line 2613 we commented out this:
>    if (peer->capa_received.restart && peer->capa_announced.restart)
>      peer_send_eor(peer, afi, safi);
> This is the only place where the peer_send_eor function is called, and 
> commented out, the bug remains. Hence we assume it is not an eor message 
> that causes the issue... but an update generated somewhere else.
> Because the empty update is sent out to all connected parties, I think 
> it has something to do with the 'announce all' capability.

yes, I had a quick mail exchange with henning about that. There seems to
be a wild update that causes this bad updates. I'm currently in Japan
preparing everything for AsiaBSDCon plus some traveling. As soon as I can
get my head free of all the rest I will look into it.
I have a few ideas but nothing was obvious enough to be seen by glancing
over the code.

Btw. does this only happen with full IPv6 feeds or are a few announcements
already enough?

:wq Claudio

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