On 2009-03-08, Denny White <denny...@cableone.net> wrote:
> Okay, jf, thanks. I checked it out. Good info. I guess my original
> message was a bit misleading. I just stressed the graphics part since
> I see advice given all the time to stay away from Nvidia, so I just
> wanted to clear that up early on, to show what graphics hardware was
> being used.

NVIDIA graphics are a problem, as is the Intel part used with Atom Z5xx
(GMA 500, a licensed PowerVR core rather than their usual in-house designs).
And technical docs are not available for the USB2 video adapters.
Other than that, most things you can buy work.

> My main concern was if there were any other problems like
> with suspend, sound, whatever. I should've been more clear. My bad.
> Way, way too late in the wee a.m. hours when I wrote the message.

Suspend for ACPI-only systems is difficult but is being worked on.
Onboard sound works ok on most systems.

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