On Thu, Mar 05, 2009 at 05:44:34PM -0800, J.C. Roberts wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Mar 2009 23:31:53 +0100 Sebastian Rother
> <sebastian.rot...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> > After updating to 4.5-beta I noticed that my headphones are very very
> > silent and I don't find a way to turn them luder somehow.

> > The speakers work perfectly!

> > inputs.hp_source=sel6,sel5
> > inputs.spkr_source=dac,sel5

please always use `mixerctl -v' when reporting audio issues.

> There is something very strange in the output above; you've got
> underscores "_" instead of periods "." in a number of places. For
> example, there is no "outputs.hp_mute=off" and it should be
> "outputs.hp.mute=off"

the mixerctl output is correct.  the underscores are because there is
no proper way to represent them otherwise.  with the current mixer(4)
there is no way to have e.g. 'outputs.hp.mute' without 'outputs.hp'.

what the OP needs to do is look at the choices for the _source controls
for the speakers and headphones with `mixerctl -v', and make them match.
or post mixerctl -v here and I'll explain.

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