Recently I visited your website http://polarwave.openbsd101.com ; while 
visiting your site I noticed that you link to http://cygwin.com at this 
address: http://polarwave.openbsd101.com/sshsamba.html. As we are closely 
related to them, I would love to exchange links with your website, currently 
there are about 5,000 - 7,000 people per day that goto my site and search for 
information, Therefore I would to link to an excellent site like yours.

I have taken the liberty of adding your site to my home page: 
http://www.neverfold.net?pg=EsHt5. To determine if it is of any benefit to you, 
if you have a stats program you can check it and let me know. By looking at my 
stats, it looks like today I have sent you 31 visitors but it may change by the 
time you receive this email.

Some website owners do not like when other sites link to them so I thought I 
might ask first. I think the information on your website could be useful to my 
visitors; and maybe you could receive some extra relevant traffic if you want. 
Please get back to me when you have a chance to let me know if its ok to link 
to your website like this. 

Have a good week, 
Mark Jubenville
email: mark.jubenvi...@neverfold.net
website: http://www.neverfold.net
Ref: EsHt5

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