Theo de Raadt wrote:
> Or how about we skip the prizes, and Theo gets to do a bit of
> development once in a while, instead of making coffee mugs and signing
> CDs that are not even shipped out of the city where he lives?
> I thought the software and the ideas behind the software were enough
> "juice", or should I just give up even trying?
> Is trying to make good stuff oh so 1970?
> You know, like manufacturing stuff people want... or need... locally?
> Sorry, but I am not going to spend my time making coffee mugs.

Just a suggestion. The quality and simplicity of OpenBSD speaks for itself.
That's why I buy it instead of just downloading isos. You could make the
prize(s) whatever you want. Coffee mug was just a dumb example. I just
thought the idea might increase pre-orders. Humans will be humans. And the
chance to get a prize on top of the high-quality software appeals to folks.
I'll pre-order either way.

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