On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:39:31 -0800, patrick keshishian wrote:

>The floating states based on line 10 would be for pre-NAT sources on
>$int_if and wouldn't match any inbound packets on $ext_if. Unless I'm
>misunderstanding how NAT works with pf, there are no pass out rules
>that would create states for these packets:
>from pf.conf(5):
>     Since translation occurs before filtering the filter engine will see
>     packets as they look after any addresses and ports have been translated.
>     Filter rules will therefore have to filter based on the translated ad-
>     dress and port number.  Packets that match a translation rule are only
>     automatically passed if the pass modifier is given, otherwise they are
>     still subject to block and pass rules.
>     ...
>     Translation rules apply only to packets that pass through the specified
>     interface, and if no interface is specified, translation is applied to
>     packets on all interfaces.

That's all fine but, pray tell, which rule is doing the blocking?
The only block I can see says "09 block in log all" - no block out

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/earth: write failed, file system is full
cp: /earth/creatures: No space left on device

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