On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Dave Wilson
<richard.wil...@senokian.com> wrote:

> On the contrary, I find OpenBSD remarkably user-friendly. Almost
> everything I want is already in base, most things are set up with
> intelligent and safe defaults, I can't even remember the last time I had
> to even *have* an xorg.conf, let alone delve into mode line hell, I
> could go on.

I reinstalled and rebuilt my home firewall in about 3 hours last
night. This included a new pf ruleset from scratch, using altq, and
setting up dhcp on the internal interface(s). Nothing complicated, but
doing it from scratch does take a bit of effort.

The soekris does well for this purpose.

But, what makes the soekris shine is OpenBSD.

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