I'm running 4.4-RELEASE and recently bought an Intel WiFi Link 5300
Mini-PCIe card after reading it's supported in OpenBSD.
I read the iwn(4) man page and downloaded the iwn-firmware-5.1.tgz package
from Damien Bergamini's site.
However, it won't install.
When I run

# pkg_add ~/iwn-firmware-5.1.tgz

I get the error:

Unknown element: @sha w3sqz+8K0SziZxyoPEQ5+7Ba6pZOfxJkndWq6zvr3PQ= in
SCALAR(0x853c3ab0), at /usr/libdata/perl5/OpenBSD/PackingList.pm line 301,
<$fh> line 6.

iwn-firmware-5.0.tgz installs without any reported problems, but the iwn(4)
man page clearly states "The driver needs at least version 5.1".

Is this a common problem and can anyone tell me how to fix this?

Kind regards

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