Those are there by default. If the users shell is 'nologin' then you
are chasing phantoms.

Also, no, someone named 'Charlie'  did not compromise root (well, most
likely :-).


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Jean-Francois <> wrote:
> Hi All,
> It looks like my server running since few days has already been hacked.
> It looks like a new user called 'daemon' ID 1 and a new group daemon.
> User's full name 'The devil itself' !!!! First time I find out evidence
> of hack on my server, however it's only one month running !!
> It looks like ntpd was the entry daemon connected to other than ntp site
> but I'm not sure.
> I am not sure at all about this, maybe one has changed the daemon.
> After I checked the adresses that this daemon connected to, they were
> very strange as webservers content (blogs, default page 'It works' and
> so one ... I guess ntp servers shall not act like this).
> Please find enclosed the ntpd server md5 print, one could check
> if /usr/sbin/ntpd (OpenBSD 4.4) has the same print ?
> md5 print of ntpd daemon (/usr/sbin) on my OpenBSD 4.4 :
> a0c8961d5818b438ecbfd6c40be47a5f
> Thanks for your kind help.

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